Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Do You Erase The White Border From A Picture What Do People Mean When They Say That Europeans Have More History And Culture Than Say Canada Or Australia?

What do people mean when they say that Europeans have more history and culture than say Canada or Australia? - how do you erase the white border from a picture

This is one of the dullest of the Europeans and their descendants. The constant belief that the Europeans more history and culture of the peoples of its colonies. Europeans learn that a large part of their culture in all European, but it is what all were stolen when they (oops, I mean the colonization composed), this planet? And they are not taught about the history and people in the colonies before contact with Europeans? We constantly hear that the majority of Canadian culture comes from Europe, but never heard that the majority of European culture in all European, but Europe and beyond its borders. A perfect example is the wine and drinks at a leisurely pace. Most Europeans see this as an integral part of European culture, but wine is fROM Middle East and alcohol gradually practiced in the Middle and Far East before Europe came over her.

Ask to hear the old Europe, like France and Ireland, and its history back to when the first man to set foot in France or Ireland. Now call to Canada than the old Europe or Australia or the United States and hear "Oh, just a few hundred years." Yes, that is, cleaned why so much history of this country? Due to the nature of the introduced European If white racist thinking and ignores the history, the European countries in May before the White was. sad reality.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but always this way of thinking and down really pathetic to me in the face.:-(


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